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Nov 22 - Dec 21

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Sagittarius Weekly horoscope for Sep 30 to Oct 6, 2024

When the Sun left your career sector last Monday, this took the solar spotlight off your career situation and matters, as it does on the September equinox each year. However, it wasn't until three days later, when Mercury left that this ended all planetary activity on the career front for the year. Before leaving the Sun and Mercury both formed a friendly aspect to the planets on the income and job fronts that will continue to shape the rest of this professional year and the Moon will do the same before leaving on Wednesday. The Moon only returned on Sunday, with a chance to regroup just as you move into the new working week. Meanwhile, the Sun and Mercury not only start the week aligned in your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking but in the lead up to Thursday's eclipsing New Moon the element of fate and the laws of synchronicity are in effect. They are also closely connected to Jupiter, who in his last full week in direct motion in your relationship sector is helping to make this a powerful week for friendship and relationship building.

Love & Romance

As Jupiter moves into his last full week in direct motion in your relationship sector he is slowing right down and before turning retrograde next Wednesday, will need to have come to a complete stop. The slower the planet the more potent its influence and whenever you are able to make time for your relationships, you will find that time stands still and it will become easier to be present and stay in the moment. At the same time the Sun and Mercury, the planet of communication, who begin the week not only aligned in your friendship sector but in the lead up to a solar eclipse here on Thursday, are drawing closer to a friendly aspect to Jupiter. The first will be Mercury's friendly aspect to Jupiter, which is set to peak just as turns retrograde next week. However, when the Moon returns to your friendship sector on Wednesday it will start bringing together the increasing support for friendship and relationship building.

Business & Career

When the Sun left your career sector last Monday this took the solar spotlight off your career situation and matters, as it does on the September equinox each year. However, it wasn't until three days later, when Mercury left that this brought all planetary activity on the career front for the year to a close. However, not only will the Moon continue to return every four weeks in order to keep this professional year on track, but both the Sun and Mercury spent their final days at a friendly aspect to the planets on the income and job fronts that are staying on. The Moon has already returned for its first visit since the Sun and Mercury left, with its return on Sunday allowing you to move into the new working week with your professional instincts and imagination fuelled while at the same time bringing a chance to regroup. As the Sun and Mercury did before they left, before leaving on Wednesday the Moon will connect with the planets on the income and job fronts that will take it from here.


Thanks to the Moon's return to your financial sector last week, its first while Mars is here, there is a chance to move into the new week with your financial instincts sharp and having had a chance over the weekend to unpack a download of information and insight. This has also given you a better read on Mars' financial passions and fighting spirit and of where to channel this. This will also make it easier to get the most out of Mars' friendly aspect to Saturn, which will peak on Tuesday. This is a coming together of Mars' drive to see you take your financial power back and Saturn's resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. Meanwhile, moving into Pluto's last full week in retrograde motion in your income sector with the Moon in your career sector is getting the week off to a positive start across the income, work and career fronts. A friendly aspect to Pluto before leaving on Wednesday will make it easier to get the most out of these final days where the doors are open to the past, second chances and untapped income potential.


It has been four weeks since Uranus turned retrograde in your health sector and in retrograde motion for the rest of the year, the focus is on the past. Uranus is a planet that is all about understanding and awareness and in hindsight, this is giving you access to a greater understanding of your physical needs and priorities. Still not up to speed, there is a need to take things slowly, but a friendly aspect to the Moon in the early part of the week is also going to boost your confidence and even your motivation. There could even be some Eureka moments.

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