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Nov 22 - Dec 21

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Sagittarius horoscope for October 2024

The closer we get to the end of the year the busier life tends to get and time itself tends to speed up. For those born under the sign of Sagittarius, there is an emergency brake, with the Sun's return to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart on 23rd October the point in each year when the month long wind down of your old solar year begins. This year there is planetary activity here all month and while different planets will come and go and the influence will shift, this will help to keep things in perspective while making sure there is time to hear yourself think.

As you move into the new month it is Venus who is here, with the planet of love taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down memory lane that will end with her early return to Sagittarius on 18th October. Until then, Venus will not only be making the most of having both planets in your romantic sector in retrograde motion and a Full Moon there just as she leaves but of Jupiter's retrograde turn in your relationship sector on 9th October. While all three will remain in retrograde motion and while Venus is in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart this will give you better access to the past and second chances, it means that they will be there as she returns to Sagittarius to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year.

Venus will return to Sagittarius six days before the Sun returns to begin the month long wind down of your old solar year, giving your heart a major head start. Meanwhile, until Mercury, the planet of communication leaves your friendship sector on 14th October and the Sun on 23rd October, they will be working closely with Jupiter in your relationship sector. Whether in direct motion or after his retrograde turn on 9th October, this makes this a powerful month for all aspects of personal and professional networking, friendship and relationship building.

Love & Romance

There is a lot to be excited about on both the romantic and relationship fronts this month, while at the same time, this is a month of two halves though with a blurring of the lines between the two. Until leaving a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart Venus, the planet of love is taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down love's memory lane that will end with her return to Sagittarius on 18th October. With both planets in your romantic sector in retrograde motion, this will add to a sense of romantic nostalgia while giving you better access to the doors that have been open to the past for several months now.

It is the Moon's return to your romantic sector from 16th October to 18th October that will not only make Venus' final days some of the most romantically charged, but with a Full Moon just a few hours before she leaves giving the spirit of romance a massive boost. The Moon will leave your romantic sector just 31 minutes after Venus not only leaves a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart but returns to Sagittarius, where the focus will shift to the future. This will be Venus' second visit to Sagittarius this year and at the end of a nostalgic trip down love's memory lane, she will be ready to start looking to the future.

However, that won't be the end of a sense of romantic nostalgia or mean the doors to the past will close. Instead, with both planets in your romantic sector in retrograde motion for the rest of the year the doors will not only remain open to the past there but on 9th October, Jupiter will return retrograde in your relationship sector and won't turn direct again until February. On the romantic and relationship fronts, the doors will remain open to the past for the rest of the year, while Venus will be opening new doors on both fronts. It is in Venus' early days in Sagittarius the Moon's return to your relationship sector from 20th October to 22nd October will give you a read on the doors Jupiter has opened to the past.

Business & Career

On both the job and career fronts, as you move into the new month there is a chance to pause, as the main push to get things up to speed ends and the job of keeping things on track begins. However, in the early days of the month, this is still in transition and especially on the career front. It was early last month that Uranus, the planet that since 2019 has been your eyes and ears on the job front, helping you to keep things in perspective, turned retrograde. Since his return in 2019 and until he leaves in 2026, this is the point in the year when Uranus will always turn back, giving you a chance to process what has been an extremely active year so far.

While Uranus is on his own and will remain in retrograde motion for the rest of the year as Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion only left in May, there is a lot to go back over and review. Meanwhile, because the Sun will always leave your career sector on the September equinox, the solar spotlight will have always just shifted off your career situation and matters by the time you move into October, but it was Mercury's departure three days later that ended all planetary activity on the career front for the year. However, the Moon not only returned a day later but is still here as you move into the new month.

By returning so soon after the Sun and Mercury left, the Moon was able to hold onto and capture their influence and until leaving on 2nd October, you are transitioning from some very active months on the career front to all of a sudden having no planets here. With your career sector remaining empty until June 2025, a chance to start the month with your professional instincts sharp and with everything still fresh in your mind couldn't be more important. Before leaving the Moon will form a friendly aspect to Uranus and to Pluto in your income sector, getting the month off to a good start across the income, work and career fronts. A return to your work sector from 18th October to 20th October and to your career sector again from 27th October to 29th October will also be an important chance to check in.


While there is rarely any planetary activity in your financial sector, the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have at this time of year, that changed when Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos returned last month. This was just days after Pluto, the planet of change, transformation and rebellion, who had left your income sector in January, retrograded back in. All of a sudden both sides of the financial fence not only kicked into life, but with the planets of war and revolution at the helm. Because this is both Mars' first, last and only full month in your financial sector and Pluto's first, last and only full month back in your income sector, they will both be fighting to make their side of the financial fence the more dominant.

However, as it won't be until just before Mars leaves that they will clash, with any financial tension more likely in the early days of November, for planets that like nothing better than something to fight for, this is creating the kind of healthy competition that can fire up both sides of the financial fence. It helps that on the two sides of the financial fence, there is not only a lot of support but a very different agenda. Mars knows that while he will leave your financial sector early next month, he will be back to spend another three months here in the New Year.

For now, Mars is only looking to the future and starting the month at a friendly aspect to Saturn, this is adding Saturn's resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to Mars' financial passions and fighting spirit. Meanwhile, ahead of a direct turn on 12th October, Pluto has come to a standstill, with things not likely to be moving on the income front. However, knowing that when he leaves, he won't return again in our lifetime, Pluto's retrograde turn will take the brakes off and give income potential the green light. Meanwhile, the Moon will make 9th October to 12th October some of the most important days of the month on the income front and 22nd October to 24th October for money matters.


Now that Uranus, the constant force at play in the health front and your eyes and ears when it comes to staying on track from his return in 2019 to when he leaves in 2026 is in retrograde motion, there is no longer the need to push yourself. Because Uranus turned retrograde in the early days of September, by the time you move into the new month he has been in retrograde motion for nearly a month. Still not up to speed but moving back over old ground, most of your awareness and understanding is going to come from hindsight. Giving you a better read on this and on what your body is telling you will be the Moon's return to your health sector from 18th October to 20th October.

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