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Jun 21 - Jul 22

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Cancer Weekly horoscope for Sep 30 to Oct 6, 2024

As you move into the new working week, while you will be unpacking a download of information that the Moon delivered over the weekend and there will be a growing sense of anticipation across the income, work and career fronts, even the professional gods are asking that you hold back. With Venus less than three weeks away from returning to get things moving on the job front, there will be a Full Moon in your career sector on the same day and Mars will be just a few weeks away from your income sector by then, this is something that you can prepare for rather than is here right now. Instead, it is the other side of life's fence that you will have your attention this week. At the same time that the Sun and Mercury start the week aligned in your home and family sector, giving you a chance to get a jump on an eclipsing New Moon on Thursday Venus, Mars and Saturn are coming together to fire up the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence.

Love & Romance

A week after Venus, the planet of love returned to your romantic sector last Monday to begin the first planetary activity on the romantic front this year, thanks to the Moon's return to Cancer last week you are starting to get a sense this year that there could be more to this. As the first planet to return, Venus is kicking off what she will be working to make some of the most romantically charged weeks of the year, only to find that for the first time in 16 years Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos is in Cancer at the time. Mars will not only begin the week at a friendly aspect to Saturn in an adventurous part of your chart but over the weekend Venus will do the same. With Mars and Venus coming together early next week, what the Moon hinted at last week when it comes to a mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure is starting to become a reality. Meanwhile, thanks to the Moon, the week is getting off to a good start on the communication and relationship fronts.

Business & Career

While the Moon left your income sector on Sunday, having spent its final hours at a friendly aspect to both planets in your career sector, this allows you to move into the new working week with a better sense of where the money is and having had a chance to get your professional bearings. As they came together over the weekend and away from the noise of the working week, this is a chance to move into the new working week with a new perspective. Because your subconscious can download information faster than you can process it at the time and it has access to your over the horizon radar, the more you unpack and process this, the greater a sense of anticipation is set to become. This includes across the income, work and career fronts, with the Moon having picked up on Venus' approach to your work sector in less than three weeks, a Full Moon in your career sector on the same day and Mars' return to your income sector a few weeks later. For now, this week brings a chance to step back.


While there is still no planetary activity in either of your two money houses and there will be none until Mars returns to your income sector in early November and Pluto to your financial sector a few weeks later, there will be a sense that something is brewing. While the Moon left your income sector on Sunday, as well as a chance to move into the new working week with a sense of where the money is while feeling more professionally engaged and aware, there is likely to be a sense of anticipation. With Mars drawing closer to your income sector, Venus, the planet of money less than three weeks away from your work sector and returning on the same day as a Full Moon in your career sector, there are exciting times ahead. Meanwhile, five weeks after retrograding back out of your financial sector, Pluto has the brakes on as he slows ahead of a direct turn next week that will see the planet of change and transformation make a U turn and start heading back.


Jupiter is the largest and most powerful planet in the solar system, with a huge gravitational force and influence and because he is also slow moving, his influence remains constant. Right now, with life only getting busier as you head into the final months of the year, as he moves into his last full week in direct motion in a reflective part of your chart Jupiter is slowing right down. This is going to increase the need for time to rest, restore and recharge your batteries or just time to hear yourself think. Because Jupiter's influence is so strong, this is something you would have to fight if you wanted to remain in the fast lane 24/7.

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