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Jun 21 - Jul 22

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Cancer horoscope for October 2024

Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of October in your home and family sector, the focus at this time of year is always on home, family and on those rituals and routines that can help you feel grounded and can bring a sense of belonging. For everyone this is important but also often taken for granted, for we don't fully appreciate how important our sense of normality is until it is taken away. However, for those born under the sign of Cancer, this is even more important, for this speaks to who you are. While the first planetary activity here didn't begin until the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment returned for her first visit in four years in early August, the South Node has been here all year.

This is why the New Moon on 3rd October will be a solar eclipse, making this a powerful day for new beginnings and for drawing a new line in the sand. Sun will keep the solar spotlight on things close to home until leaving on 23rd October while until leaving on 14th October, Mercury is focused on having the communication lines open as well as keeping you mentally focused when it comes to making choices, decisions or plans. Venus has already moved through, so you know what you want from the start. The asteroid Juno will stay on after the Sun leaves but when she leaves early next month, this will end all planetary activity on the home front for the year.

This makes this an important month for working with the lunar nodes, which throughout 2024 are working to maintain the right work/life balance. With Venus in a playful and creative part of your chart until 18th October, Mercury returning on 14th October, the Sun on 23rd October and with all three working closely with the planets in an adventurous part of your chart, that shouldn't be a challenge. However, with Venus only returning to your busy work sector on 18th October but a Full Moon in your career sector on the same day and Mars just a few weeks away from your income sector by then, this professional year is getting ready to catch its second wind.

Love & Romance

While the Sun won't return to your romantic sector until 23rd October, the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto matters of the heart, it was a month earlier that Venus returned to begin the first planetary activity on the romantic front this year. Last year Venus didn't return until December and left in the closing days of the year. As the last planet to leave your romantic sector in 2023 and the first to return in 2024, Venus is putting her stake in the ground. Venus is only here until 18th October so will be gone by the time the Sun returns, but with Mercury returning on 14th October to ensure the spirit of romance won't go off the boil.

Helping to ensure that doesn't happen is the support of Mars in Cancer and from both planets in an adventurous part of your chart that Venus has had from the start. The closer it is to her departure on 18th October the closer Venus will get to all three, with a mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure especially strong in the heart of the month and just as Mercury returns to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page. Mercury is here for the rest of the month and while both he and the Sun will leave next month, the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment's return in early November is going to keep the romantic flame burning into the early months of 2025.

It is in the early days of the month and while Venus is still on her own, that the Moon's return to your romantic sector from 5th October to 7th October will make these some of the most romantically charged days of the month. It is two days later that the Moon will return for its monthly visit to your relationship sector from 9th October to 12th October and the timing couldn't be better. With Pluto turning direct here on 12th October, this will ensure you are emotionally engaged and aware during his final days in retrograde motion and as the focus prepares to shift off the past.

Business & Career

From a fairly quiet but predictable, for this time of year, start to the month things are set to roar back into life and it is going to happen in one fell swoop. While you have the North Node in your career sector, this is a force rather than a physical object and apart from working with the South Node to monitor your work/life balance, its main function is to provide a sense of professional direction. With both planets here in retrograde motion, no planetary activity in your work sector since the early weeks of the year and the Sun not returning until towards the end of November, things are not only fairly quiet as you move into the new month but there is no reason to think that this will change.

However, your sixth sense will be telling you otherwise, for it is getting its information from your over the horizon radar and knows what lies around the corner. With the Moon set to sharpen your instincts when it returns to your two professional houses, that sense of change in the air is set to become progressively stronger. You will get your first taste of this when the Moon returns to your work sector from 7th October to 9th October. While an ordinary monthly visit and something that every four weeks can give you a better read on work and job matters and even act as a trigger, your sixth sense will become even more alert to the changes ahead.

By the time the Moon returns to your career sector from 16th October and your professional instincts kick in, this is when there will be a sense there is not only change ahead but it is about to burst. It is in the Moon's final hours that the dam will burst, this visit not only ending with a Full Moon on 18th October but on the same day that Venus returns to begin the first planetary activity on the job front since earlier in the year. With the Sun still over a month away, Venus is getting things off to an early start while planets returning next month will keep the momentum going right through to February 2025.


While there is no planetary activity in either of your money houses this month, this is both the first and the last time that this will be the case this year. While until Pluto retrograded back out of your financial sector early last month there had been continuous planetary activity here since January, it wasn't until Mercury returned to your income sector in early July that the income side of the financial fence became active. Mercury was still in your income sector when Pluto left and after the Sun and Venus moved through, this was a chance to both tie up loose ends and make the most of being able to focus just on money coming in.

With Mercury and Pluto gone, apart from the Moon's monthly visits this has left both sides of the financial fence empty, but not for long, with both due to fire up again next month. The first will be the Moon's monthly visit to your financial sector from 12th October to 14th October, something that every four weeks can fuel your financial instincts and imagination while bringing a chance to check in on money matters. What makes the timing significant is that it is just as the Moon returns that Pluto will turn direct, something that will see the planet of change and transformation do a U turn and start heading back to your financial sector.

Pluto won't return until 20th November, but here then for the rest of the year, your sixth sense will pick up that he is on his way back. It is two weeks later that the Moon will return to your income sector from 24th October to 26th October, something that every four weeks can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger. This time just days after Venus, the planet of money's return to your work sector on 18th October and from a Full Moon in your career sector on the same day. By then Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos will be just a week away from the start of his longest visit to your income sector in two decades, something that will start firing up the income side of the financial fence from early next month.


With no planetary activity in your health sector since earlier in the year and the Sun not returning until later next month, it is the Moon's monthly visits that have helped you to stay on track and in tune with what your body is telling you. The Moon will return for this month's visit from 7th October to 9th October and while an ordinary monthly visit, there will be a sense of change in the air. It is nine days later that over a month before the Sun is due to turn the solar spotlight onto your health needs, situation and matters that Venus, the planet of beauty will return on 18th October. Venus will return to fuel a desire to look and feel good, giving you a new starting point.

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