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Aquarius Weekly horoscope for Sep 30 to Oct 6, 2024

It is less that this week's stars are sending mixed messages and more that both sides of life's fence are powering up at the same time and it is set to stay that way. On the one hand, the week begins with a major aspect between Mars on the job and Saturn on the income front building towards a peak on Tuesday. This is a coming together of Mars' drive to move things forward on the job front and Saturn's resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes when it comes to the money. With Venus, now in her second week in your work sector ending the week at the same aspect to Saturn before connecting with Mars early next week, what the Moon hinted at last week across the income, work and career fronts is now becoming a reality. However, at the same time, the Sun and Mercury not only start the week aligned in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery but in the lead up to Thursday's eclipsing New Moon here and just as Jupiter has moved into his last full week in direct motion in a playful and creative part of your chart. The playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence is also powering up.

Love & Romance

At the same time that Jupiter has the brakes on heading into his last full week in direct motion in your romantic sector, the week begins with the Sun and Mercury aligned in an adventurous part of your chart ahead of an eclipsing New Moon here on Thursday. While the Sun and Mercury won't start connecting directly with Jupiter until next week, by which time he will be turning retrograde, when the Moon moves through an adventurous part of your chart from Wednesday to Friday this will start bringing the spirit of romance and adventure together. This is likely to feel familiar, for Venus formed the same aspect to Jupiter before leaving an adventurous part of your chart last Monday, with her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together still unfolding. It is Thursday's eclipsing New Moon that will bring this into tighter alignment, while a week before the doors open to the past and second chances, offering a chance for new beginnings.

Business & Career

While the Moon left your work sector last Friday, this first visit since Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos returned has not only left you with a better read on his influence but with a taste of things to come across the income, work and career fronts. What the Moon hinted at last week is now starting to become a reality, for where the Moon briefly connected with planets across all three fronts, it is the planets themselves that are now starting to come together. It is just as Venus, the planet of money, desire and attraction is moving into her second week in your career sector that the week begins with a friendly aspect between Mars on the job and Saturn on the income front. This is a coming together of Mars' drive to move things forward on the job front and Saturn's resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes when it comes to the money. By the weekend Venus will be at the same aspect to Saturn, before moving on to connect with Mars early next week.


When the Sun left your financial sector last Monday this took the solar spotlight off your financial situation and money matters, but it was Mercury's departure three days later that ended all planetary activity on this side of the financial fence for the year. However, while the income side of the financial fence is experiencing a resurgence with Mars, in your work sector starting the week at a friendly aspect to Saturn in your income sector and Venus, in your career sector doing the same by the weekend, there is a chance to first tie up some loose ends on the financial front. While there will be no more planetary activity in your financial sector until June 2025, the Moon will continue to return every four weeks, allowing you to stay on top of money matters. The Moon has already returned for its first visit since the Sun and Mercury left last week and until leaving on Wednesday, brings a chance to start the week with your financial instincts and imagination fuelled.


Still in his early weeks in your health sector Mars, the warrior planet of the cosmos is coming into his own and his full influence will be starting to be felt. Mars is motivating you to get moving, to become more physically active and motivated. Giving this rocket fuel and making this a good week to get off the couch and start walking the talk, is Mars' friendly aspect to Saturn that will peak on Tuesday. This is a coming together of Mars' mission to get you moving and Saturn's resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes.

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