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Aquarius horoscope for October 2024

While the Sun will always end the month in your career sector and this year Venus is already here as you move into the new month, it will always spend the first three weeks of October in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery. Knowing that November and sometimes into the early weeks of December can be one of the busiest points of the professional year, the Sun will always be doing its best to keep the spirit of adventure alive and to ensure life doesn't become all work and no play too soon. This year this is not only more important than ever, but the Sun has the odds stacked against him while at the same time some powerful support to help balance the scales.

What will make this more challenging for the Sun is not just that Venus will be in your career sector until 18th October and this has kicked things off earlier in the year than is normally the case, but that you have Mars in your work sector all month. The six weeks that Mars will normally spend here can be the busiest of any year, but the warrior planet of the cosmos is not only here for two months but will return in the New Year to spend another three months here. Along with Venus and both planets in your income sector, this is making October a powerful month across the income, work and career fronts.

However, helping to balance the scales is that unusually for this time of year, you not only have planets in a playful and creative part of your chart but Jupiter, the largest and most powerful planet in the solar system. While Mercury will leave an adventurous part of your chart on 14th October and the Sun on 23rd October and both will return to your career sector, the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment will stay on. With Jupiter turning retrograde on 9th October, this will not only keep the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence active but will even open the doors to the past and second chances. This is a month of massive opportunities on both sides of life's fence but with a need to make your work/life balance a priority from the start.

Love & Romance

As far as matters of the heart and all things romantic are concerned, this is a month of two halves though the line won't be drawn down the centre of the month and instead nearly a week earlier. That line will be drawn on 9th October, with the conditions before and after very different. The month begins with Jupiter still on his own in your romantic sector, as he has been since Mars left early last month. However, this giant planet is slowing down and the journey this lucky year for love and all things romantic is taking you on is preparing to make a U turn. By 9th October Jupiter will have come to a standstill and it is then that his retrograde turn will shift the focus off the future and onto the past.

This will see the planet of luck and expansion make a U turn and with the full support of the Sun and planets in an adventurous part of your chart, open the doors to the past. Not turning direct until early February, Jupiter will not only spend the rest of the year in retrograde motion but will begin travelling back over the ground he has already covered. This will open the doors to the past and second chances, something that you will get even more access to when Venus, the planet of love returns to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart next month.

In the meantime, you will have a chance to get a better feel for this when the Moon returns to your romantic sector from 20th October to 22nd October. While an ordinary monthly visit and the Moon has connected with Jupiter every four weeks since his return in May, the last time he was in retrograde motion as these romantically charged lunar vibes passed through was in 2013. Meanwhile, with no planetary activity in your relationship sector since Mercury, the planet of communication left early last month and until Mars returns early next month, the Moon's return from 24th October to 26th October will be a valuable chance to check in. A Full Moon in your communication sector on 18th October will be a chance to go into this with the communication lines open.

Business & Career

All of a sudden October is the 'it' month for this professional year, with all roads leading to this one month being the month that everything until now has led up to and everything from now will lead on from. Long after all planetary activity on the job front for the year should have run its course Mars is not only here but is making his mark from the start and long before the Sun's return to your work sector on 23rd October, Venus is here from the start as well. Normally here for six weeks and usually the busiest of any year, Mars is slowing down and will spend two months here before leaving on 3rd November.

For much of September Mars was a free agent, in harmony with Saturn and Neptune in your income sector and with Venus when she returned to your career sector on 23rd October, but without making direct contact. Towards the end of last month, this would have seen your confidence start to rise on the income, work and career fronts, as well as a sense that you were on the cusp of something. It is just as you move into the new month that things are coming together, with a friendly aspect between Mars and Saturn having just begun. This is a coming together of Mars' drive to move things forward on the job front and Saturn's resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes when it comes to the money.

This will still be separating when a few days later a friendly aspect between Venus on the career and Saturn on the income front peaks and then, just a few days after that, Venus and Mars will connect directly. This is creating a rare, positive and powerful trine aspect between Mars, Saturn and Venus that is creating a huge amount of positive energy across the income, work and career fronts. While they will then start to separate, before leaving your career sector on 18th October Venus will form the same aspect to Neptune on the income front, as will Mars later in the month. When Mercury returns to your career sector on 14th October and the Sun on 23rd October, they will do the same, keeping the momentum going all month.


When the Sun and Mercury left your financial sector at the end of last month this ended all planetary activity on the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have. While this has not only shifted all the focus onto the income side of the financial fence but just as things are powering up there, until the Moon leaves your financial sector on 2nd October you will still be tying up loose ends. Because the Moon only returned the day after Mercury left, ending all planetary activity on the financial front for the year, it has been able to stop the door from closing before you have a chance to dissect the last few months.

This will allow you to move into the new month with your financial instincts sharp while still holding onto Mercury's smart head for money and the Sun's awareness. After that, this will leave your financial sector empty until the Moon comes full circle from 27th October to 29th October, returning every four weeks to check in and help you stay on top of money matters. Meanwhile, while both planets in your income sector are still in retrograde motion, this is where the money gods have shifted their focus and with perfect timing. The month begins with a friendly aspect to between Mars in your work sector and Saturn in your income sector, getting the month off to an empowered start on the income and job fronts.

This is a coming together of Mars' drive to move things forward on the job front and Saturn's resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes when it comes to the money. It is just days later that Venus, in your career sector until 18th November will move into a friendly aspect to both. During Venus' final days she will draw closer to Neptune in your income sector while Mars will be doing the same by the end of the month. As will Mercury when he returns to your career sector on 14th October and the Sun on 23rd October. It is during the Moon's visit to your income sector from 14th October to 16th October, that as well as sharpening your nose for money and acting as a trigger this will bring things together across the income, work and career fronts.


With Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos spending the whole of October in your health sector, he will want to get you moving and will be looking for something to channel this into. When Mars is in your health sector his focus is not internal and he has no interest in your diet, medical check ups or a healthy lifestyle. Mars is a planet of action and he wants to get you off the couch and moving. Helping to get this off to an empowered start will be Mars' friendly aspect at to Saturn at the start of the month, tapping into his resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. A week later, a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of beauty on 8th/9th October will be a chance to use her desire to look and feel good as motivation.

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