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Taurus horoscope for October 2024

We have reached a point in the year when the slow outer planets, which are having an impact on the year as a whole and the bigger picture are slowing right down, while the faster inner planets are not only speeding up but are starting to cross into parts of the heavens that have been previously unoccupied. This will see the pace of life increase and while the day to day aspects of life are going to become a blur, the main themes will appear to slow down and become even clearer. One of those planets slowing down is Jupiter, with the brakes on ahead of his retrograde turn in your income sector on 9th October.

Working in tandem with the Sun and Mercury in your work sector and benefiting from an eclipsing New Moon there on 3rd October, will create a bond between new job potential and the doors preparing to open to the past, second chances and untapped income potential. Yet the planets on the job front are moving on, with Mercury leaving on 14th October, the Sun on 23rd October and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment ending all planetary activity on the job front early next month. As they leave, they will one by one return to your relationship sector, where Venus will be working her magic until leaving on 18th October.

Apart from Venus' return last month beginning the first planetary activity on the relationship front a month before the Sun is due to return, for the first time in 16 years she returned for this annual visit to find Mars in your communication sector. With Mars not leaving until early next month, as the planets come and go from your relationship sector, the support on the relationship front will remain constant. Meanwhile, also slowing down is Pluto, ahead of a direct turn in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery on 12th October. Five weeks after retrograding back out of your career sector, this will see the planet of change and transformation make a U turn and start heading back again.

Love & Romance

While the Sun's return to your relationship sector on 23rd October is the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto your relationships, often for the first time all year, this year things got off to an early and special start. It was a month earlier that Venus, who last year didn't return until December, returned to begin the first planetary activity in your relationship sector this year. As Venus is only here until 18th October, the planet of love will be gone by the time the Sun returns, but she will have made a huge impact by then. By returning ahead of the Sun and before the solar spotlight shifts onto your relationships and things get real, she is able to work her magic.

By the time the Sun returns you should not only know what you want from your relationships, but through the laws of attraction Venus will have been working to turn desires into reality. Chances are, the Sun will also return to find the communication lines open. This is partly because you have Mars in your communication sector all month and partly because Mercury, the planet of communication will return to your relationship sector on 14th October. This is four days before Venus leaves and still here when the Sun returns on 23rd October, this will provide continuity and keep the communication lines open.

However, while the Sun will remain in your relationship sector until later next month and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships who will return early next month will be here until February it is this month that you have all the communication support. Within hours of each other Mars will leave your communication sector and Mercury your relationship sector early next month, making this a powerful month for having the communication lines open. The Moon's return to your communication sector from 22nd October to 24th October will give this an additional boost. Meanwhile, starting the month with the Moon in your romantic sector until 2nd October and then returning again from 27th October to 29th October will make up for all planetary activity on the romantic front for the year having ended last month.

Business & Career

Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of October in your work sector, the solar spotlight is always on your work situation, job matters and options at this time of year. This year a lot of water has already passed under the bridge and rather than things just getting started, by the end of the month all planetary activity on the career front for the year will be all but over. However, with a lot more water still to pass under the bridge before then. While the South Node has been in your work sector all year, this is a subtle force that is more focused on keeping things on track while along with its partner the North Node, on policing how well you know when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off.

The first actual planetary activity on the job front this year began when the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment returned for her first visit to your work sector in four years in early August. She was joined later that month by Venus, with the two able to work together to give your heart a voice, get a sense of what you want and start turning this into a sense of resolve, all before the Sun returned. The Sun will always return to your work sector on the September equinox, but this year Venus left just as he returned and in time to pass the torch. It was Mercury's return three days later that allows you to move into the new month with your head in the game from the start.

This includes when the Moon not only moves through your work sector from 2nd October to 5th October but when its alignment with the Sun will create an eclipsing New Moon on 3rd October. It is having the South Node here that will turn an ordinary New Moon into a more potent solar eclipse, adding the element of fate to what will always be a powerful chance to draw a new line in the sand. With Mercury here until 14th October, the Sun until 23rd October and Juno leaving early next month, this is when everything that has been building since early August is coming together. Meanwhile, the Moon's return to your career sector from 12th October to 14th October will be a chance to check in on the bigger picture.


Since the early weeks of the year, which were heavily focused on the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have, apart from the Moon's monthly visits, all the focus has been on the income side of the financial fence. With Jupiter having returned to your income sector in May to begin a 13 month quest for income growth and expansion, until he leaves in June 2025 this is going to remain the dominant of your two money houses. However, what you have this month is a chance to gain a better balance and give money matters a bit more of your attention and the timing couldn't be better.

On 9th October Jupiter will turn retrograde and for the rest of the year, he will retrace his steps. Instead of looking to the future and seeking new avenues for income growth and expansion, Jupiter will turn back and focus on the things you may have passed over in the past, but now have a chance to revisit. With the Sun in your work sector until 23rd October and an eclipsing New Moon there on 3rd October, whether Jupiter is in direct or retrograde motion, it comes at the right time in terms of movement on the job front. It is nine days after Jupiter turns retrograde and when the income side of the financial fence is in review mode that Venus, the planet of money will return for her second visit to your financial sector this year.

In 2023 Venus spent less than 48 hours here, having already left when the year began and then not returning until 30th December. Having already spent the early weeks of the year here, Venus is back and this time she is kicking off the main planetary activity on this side of the financial fence for the year on 18th October. With the Sun and Mercury not returning until next month to focus on the more practical aspects of your financial situation and money matters, this will give Venus time to focus more on fuelling your financial confidence, updating your financial desires and expectations and working to turn those desires into reality.


Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of October in your health sector, the solar spotlight is always on your health needs, situation and matters at this time of year, making you more aware and informed. Helping with the latter is having Mercury in your health sector until 14th October while having left on the same day that the Sun returned on the September equinox, Venus has left you with the motivation to look and feel good. With the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment here all month, you also have the resolve to turn those desires into reality. An eclipsing New Moon on 3rd October and the day either side will be a chance to use this to draw a new line in the sand.

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