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Oct 23 - Nov 21

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Scorpio horoscope for October 2024

For you, October is always going to be a month of two halves but also a month when the lines between the past, present and future will at some point become blurred. However, this year they are set to overlap throughout the whole month, to a point where you will constantly have one foot in the past and the other in the future. On the September equinox each year the Sun will always return to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart to begin the month long wind down of your old solar year and normally Venus and/or Mercury are never that far away. That means that it is not uncommon for one or both to return to Scorpio ahead of the Sun or for one or both to linger in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart even after the Sun returns to begin your birthday month and new solar year.

This year you not only have both, but other factors are in play. It was on the same day that the Sun returned to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart to begin the month long wind down of your old solar year that Venus left and returned to Scorpio. Until leaving on 18th October, Venus is opening new doors and giving your heart the first say in what you want from your new solar year and the journey ahead. Venus has a particular interest in updating your romantic and relationship desires, hopes and dreams for the coming year and there are planets on both fronts that can help turn this into a reality.

For the first time in 16 years, Venus is also moving through Scorpio with the help of Mars in an adventurous part of your chart. While Venus will leave on 18th October and return to your income sector on the same day as a Full Moon in your work sector, Mercury's return to Scorpio on 14th October will keep the momentum going but will shift the focus from working on your wish list to focusing more on turning this into a game plan and resolutions. Yet even after the Sun returns to Scorpio on 23rd October to begin your birthday month and new solar year, the asteroid Juno will stay on in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart until early next month, keeping the doors open to the past in case you want to nip back to retrieve something.

Love & Romance

It was last month's eclipsing Full Moon in your romantic sector, just a few days before Venus, the planet of love returned to Scorpio that has given the spirit of romance a boost and has gotten her mission to update your romantic and relationship desires, hopes and dreams for the coming year off to an empowered start. However, before leaving on 18th October Venus will not only be drawing closer to Neptune and Saturn in your romantic sector but to Mars, who is spending the whole of November in an adventurous part of your chart. Venus returns to Scorpio once a year, but the last time Mars was in an adventurous part of your chart at the time was 16 years ago.

With Saturn and Neptune both in retrograde motion but slowing ahead of Saturn's direct turn next month and Neptune's in early December, it comes while they are holding the doors open to the past and second chances. After his retrograde turn in your relationship sector last month, the doors are also open to the past on the relationship front. While it is during Venus' final days in Scorpio that she will be getting peak support from Mars, Saturn and Neptune, bringing together a potent mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure, this is also when she will clash with Uranus in your relationship sector.

This might push some buttons but as the planet of love, Venus will use this to get a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. With Mercury, the planet of communication returning to Scorpio on 14th October and Pluto in his last full month in your communication sector, there will be plenty of support from the communication gods. It is just as you are moving into some of Venus' most pivotal days in Scorpio that the Moon will return to your romantic sector from 14th October to 16th October, while returning to your relationship sector just 31 minutes after she leaves. By then you will have a whole new sense of what you want from love and your relationships.

Business & Career

Even though things are relatively quiet on the professional front this month, before the month even begins and even more so when the Moon returns for its monthly visits to your work and career sectors, there will be a growing sense of change in the air and the exciting kind. While you have the North Node in your work sector and this is providing a sense of direction and purpose, with both planets here in retrograde motion for several months now, there is no urgency, things aren't particularly busy and there isn't an urgent need to reinvent the wheel. At the same time, with the Sun, Venus and Mercury having already moved through your career sector, all planetary activity on the career front ended last month.

The difference is that unlike most years, it won't stay empty, with Mars returning early next month to begin his longest visit in two decades, spread out over two visits that won't finally run their course until June 2025. Things may have gone quiet on the career front, but this is more a chance to catch your breath, knowing that the busiest months of the year are still in front of you. It is 18 days before Mars' return on 3rd November that things will start to change and that includes across the income, work and career fronts. It begins with the Moon's return to your work sector on 16th October, something that every four weeks can give you an intuitive read on work and job matters and act as a trigger.

To start with this is an ordinary monthly visit, but it is during the Moon's final hours that there will be a dramatic upswing. It is just before leaving on 18th October that this will not only become a Full Moon but on the same day that Venus will make an early return to your income sector. This will kick off the most lucrative months of 2024 just as work and job matters are being energised by a Full Moon. When the Moon returns to your career sector from 24th October to 27th October it will form a friendly aspect to the North Node and to both planets in your work sector, as well as to Venus in your income sector. By this point, Mars will be just days away from his return to your career sector.


There is a shift in the dynamics of the financial year itself this month, though rather than happen in one fell swoop, there will be a gradual shift in focus on one side while whole new opportunities are opening up on the other side of the financial fence. This is something that is already underway as you move into the new month with Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion slowing right down before coming to a complete stop in order to turn retrograde in your financial sector on 9th October. While Jupiter's quest for financial growth and expansion will continue until he leaves in June 2025, this is a chance to pull back and when it comes to your financial situation and money matters, move into review mode.

With Jupiter no longer wanting to push money matters forward and instead focusing more on a chance to return to the drawing board or to retrace your steps, this leaves a gap in the market and just nine days later Venus, the planet of money will return to your income sector on 18th October to fill that gap. There has been no planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence since early February but having spent less than 48 hours here in 2023, this will be Venus' second visit this year. By the time you moved into 2023, Venus had already left and she didn't return until 30th December, in time to start the year here.

Venus is back and this time, instead of the last planet to reach your income sector she is the first, with the Sun and Mercury both returning next month to keep the momentum going. In a case of perfect timing, Venus will not only return to begin the most lucrative months of 2024 on the same day as a Full Moon in your work sector but two weeks before Mars is due to return in early November to begin his longest visit to your career sector in two decades. Before Venus returns, the Moon will make one last visit to your income sector from 7th October to 9th October. This is something that every four weeks can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger, but this time picking up on Venus' approach just as Jupiter turns retrograde.


At some point during the month long wind down of your old solar year and at a point in the year when your physical resources are often at a lower ebb, the Moon's monthly visit to your health sector will see it clash with the Sun to create a Full Moon. This can put your physical resources to the test, but as well as giving you a better read on what your body is telling you, this also will highlight anything that is out of balance. As you can't change what you can't see, this couldn't be more important. While the Full Moon itself is on 18th October, there is a need to pay attention from when it returns on 16th October.

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