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Pisces horoscope for October 2024

If you had to describe October in one word, that word would be variety. There is unlikely to be a dull moment, but what will make this such a vibrant month is that this is a month that will favour both sides of life's fence. At a time of year when this is rarely the case, the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence is getting a significant boost. While the Sun's return to your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery on 18th October is the point in each year when the solar spotlight shifts onto the adventurous side of life's fence, the month begins with Venus already here.

For Venus, this is the point in each year when she gets to not only fuel a desire for adventure but will work to attract opportunities to turn those desires into reality. However, for the first time in 16 years, it is while you have Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos in a playful and creative part of your chart. While Venus will leave on 18th October, with Mercury returning on 14th October and the Sun on 23rd October, this will keep the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence active all month. However, it is when Venus leaves that things will start to explode with potential across the income, work and career fronts in a way that will impact the rest of the year.

It begins on 18th October, when in the final hours of the Moon's monthly visit to your income sector it will peak as a Full Moon, just as Venus returns to your career sector. By then Mars will be just over two weeks away from the start of his longest visit to your work sector in two decades. This will make Mars' final weeks in a playful and creative part of your chart all the more important, for with planetary activity on the adventurous front continuing for the rest of the year, this will be a chance to nail down the right balance between work and play before things get busy, which they will do from early next month.

Love & Romance

It is rare to have any planetary activity in your romantic sector at this time of year but unlike the Sun, Mercury and Venus, who can only move through in the middle of the year Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos has no such restraints. Having returned early last month and not due to leave until early next month, Mars will spend the whole month in your romantic sector and the timing couldn't be better. Knowing that while Mars will leave on 3rd November, he will return in the New Year to spend another three months here, also makes this a stepping stone and just one of many that lead to Jupiter's return in June 2025 to begin your luckiest year for love in over a decade.

However, what makes the timing significant is while last year she didn't return until December, last month Venus, the planet of love returned to an adventurous part of your chart to begin her annual mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together. While Venus has returned ahead of the Sun, who won't return until 23rd October, she is always here at around this time of year and never during what are usually the most active months of the year on the romantic front. This time, for the first time in 16 years Mars is in your romantic sector at the time and until she leaves on 18th October, the planets of love and passion will work together to create some real magic.

Both start the month at a friendly aspect to Saturn in Pisces and will then go on to draw closer to dreamy Neptune there. While Venus will leave an adventurous part of your chart on 18th October, with Mercury returning on 14th October and the Sun on 23rd October, a mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure will pervade the month. This will be especially potent during Venus' final days and then again when the Moon moves through your romantic sector from 22nd October to 24th October. Meanwhile, with no more planetary activity in your relationship sector after the Sun and Mercury left last month, having the Moon here until 2nd October and then returning again from 27th October to 29th October will be a chance to check in and remain emotionally engaged.

Business & Career

With the Sun not returning to your career sector until later next month and as he and the faster planets have already moved through your work sector, this is usually a relatively quiet month professionally. While to start with that is still the case, there is change in the air and it is massive. The change will unfold over an 18 day period from 16th October to 3rd November, after which everything will have changed across the income, work and career fronts and it will stay that way for the rest of the year and well into the early months of 2025. To start with, there is no planetary activity in either of your two professional houses, as you would expect at this time of year.

By the time Mercury left your work sector last month the Sun and Venus had already moved through, ending all planetary activity on the job front and the annual focus that they will always put on work and job matters in the middle months of the year. At the same time, with the Sun not returning to your career sector until 22nd November, there has been no planetary activity here since the early weeks of the year. Because the planets move in cycles, history will be telling you not to expect anything to change, but your sixth sense will be telling you otherwise. The Moon will make its monthly visit to your career sector from 7th October to 9th October, allowing you to check in and sharpen your professional instincts.

It is a week later that you will enter the 18 day period where everything is set to change. It will begin in a fairly low key way, with the Moon's return for its monthly visit to your income sector on 16th October, something that every four weeks can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger. It is in the Moon's final hours and just before leaving on 18th October that it will not only roar into life as a Full Moon but on the same day that Venus will make an early return to your career sector. The Moon will move on but not before energising the two planets there while Mars' return to your work sector on 3rd November will complete a team that will change everything.


Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of October in your financial sector and this is the time of year when the faster planets will move through, this is the point in each year when the solar spotlight is always on your financial situation and money matters. This year there are several factors that make this more significant than these annual updates. The first is that Venus, the planet of money has not only moved through but left just hours after the Sun's return. This was in time for Venus to pass the torch but allowed her to spend her whole time here focused on fuelling your financial confidence and updating your financial desires, hopes and dreams, without the Sun's reality checks.

However, in order to turn desires into reality you do at some point have to get real, with the Sun's return shifting the focus from the 'what' to the when, where and how. Helping with this was Mercury's return three days later, something that allows you to start the month with the smart head for money needed to keep your head in the game and to think on your feet. Another factor that sets this year apart is that having the lunar nodes in your two money houses will turn a New Moon on 3rd October into a more potent solar eclipse. The Moon will move through your financial sector from 2nd October to 4th October, bringing all the resources together to take your financial power back.

It is two weeks later that the Moon will not only return to your income sector from 16th October to 18th October but with stunning timing. This is something that every four weeks can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger, but it is just before leaving that it will become a Full Moon. What makes the timing significant is that 18th October is the same day that Venus will return to your work sector and with Mars just two weeks away from your career sector by then, this is when things will start cooking across the income, work and career fronts. By the time the Moon returns to your financial sector again on 29th October, the Sun and Mercury will be gone and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment will be just days away from ending all planetary activity on this side of the financial fence for the year.


While there is no planetary activity in your health sector this month, this is the first time that this has been the case since June and the last time that this will be the case all year. It was just last month that Mercury left your health sector, wrapping up a period of planetary activity that had begun with his return in early July. This gave you a lot of time to focus on information and knowledge gathering, something that you can continue to use to your advantage. However, rather than end all planetary activity on the health front for the year, Mars will return early next month for what should be a six week mission to get you moving but instead will stay here for the rest of the year. Meanwhile, the Moon's visit from 24th October to 26th October will be a valuable chance to check in with what your body is telling you.

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