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Sept 23 - Oct 22

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Libra horoscope for October 2024

Whether you are a late September or an October born Libran, this is your birthday month and the gateway into a new solar year. The Sun will always return to Libra on the September equinox, beginning your birthday month and new solar year and until leaving on 23rd October, you are laying down tracks and setting your path forward. This year Venus, who didn't return to give your heart a voice until November and after your birthday month was over, not only returned ahead of the Sun but left on the same day that he returned. By the time you moved into your birthday month and new solar year, your heart had already found its voice and you already had a wish list for the coming year.

Until he leaves on 14th October, as well as working to do what as the planet of communication he does best, Mercury will be taking the wish list Venus left you with and will be working to turn it into a game plan and resolutions for the coming year. The asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment who returned to Libra for her first visit in four years in early August, will stay on after the Sun leaves and until leaving early next month can help you nail down those resolutions.

While Mercury will no longer be in Libra when the Moon moves through your relationship sector from 16th October to 18th October, the timing couldn't be better. It is just before leaving that the Moon will clash with the Sun to create a Full Moon, something that can put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test. However, Venus' return to your communication sector just minutes earlier will see you begin her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice with perfect timing. Until then, Venus will be spending her final weeks in your income sector closely aligned with Mars on the career and with both planets on the job front. Mercury's return on 14th October and the Sun's on 23rd October will keep the momentum across the income, work and career fronts going.

Love & Romance

One of the most significant events of the month is something that at the time is likely to go unnoticed, save what your heart's over the horizon radar could pick up on and especially because of the timing. There has been no planetary activity in your romantic sector since Pluto retrograded back out at the start of last month, but it is when the Moon moves through from 12th October to 14th October that an unexpected sense of anticipation could kick in. For it is on 12th October that Pluto will turn retrograde, something that will see the planet of change and transformation make a U turn and start heading back towards your romantic sector.

While Pluto won't return until 20th November, once back he will be here for the next 20 years. Meanwhile, it is two days after the Moon leaves your romantic sector that it will return to your relationship sector, something that from 16th October to 18th October will every four weeks bring a chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged. However, two things set this monthly visit apart, one the Moon itself and the other the timing. At some point during your birthday month, the Moon will return to your relationship sector and when it does, on the other side of the sky to the Sun it will form a Full Moon, which it will do on 18th October.

This is something that can put some pressure on a balance between your own and your relationship needs but at the same time giving you a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. While Mercury, the planet of communication will leave Libra on 14th October, not before giving you the first two weeks of the month to get the communication lines open. However, what makes the timing significant is that just as the Full Moon peaks on 18th October Venus, the planet of love will return to your communication sector to begin her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice.

Business & Career

At a point in the year when there is rarely any planetary activity in your career sector and when any planet in your work sector will be in retrograde motion, unusually things are anything but quiet. By the time the Sun left your career sector in July Venus and Mercury had already passed through, leaving it empty and usually that would mean for the rest of the year. At the same time, not only are both planets in your work sector in retrograde motion but with Saturn turning direct next month and Neptune in early December, they are starting to slow down. This should be one of the quieter months of this professional year but instead, it is anything but.

The game changer was Mars' return to your career sector early last month, with his visit falling outside the parameters of the Sun, Venus and Mercury's predictable annual schedule. In short, while it is impossible for them to return at any other time than in the middle months of the year, Mars is a free agent and can show up at any time. Normally here for six weeks, Mars is slowing down and ahead of a retrograde turn later in the year and this will keep him here for two months, not leaving until early November. However, it is just as you move into the new month that the real implications are starting to be felt and that includes across the income, work and career fronts.

This is when everything will start to converge, including the impact of Venus' early return to your income sector on the September equinox. It was in the final hours of September that Mars made a direct connection with Saturn, with the two starting the month at a friendly aspect. This is a coming together of Mars' professional passions, fighting and competitive spirit and Saturn's resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes on the job front. It is just a few days later that a friendly aspect between Venus on the income and Saturn on the job front will peak, while a few days later Venus and Mars will come together. This not only gets the month off to a good start across the income, work and career fronts but sets the scene for the whole month.


While the Sun won't return to your income sector until 23rd October, the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto your income situation, matters and options, the dynamics of this financial year began to shift early last month. It began when Uranus, the planet that has helped you keep your finger on money matters since 2019 turned retrograde. This is something that happens at this time each year and not turning direct until the New Year, this not only allows money matters to move into review mode but there is a chance for them to step back in order for the income side of the financial fence to have its turn.

Uranus will continue to keep an eye on your financial situation and money matters, but in retrograde motion, the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have has moved into review mode. You will get a better read on this when the Moon returns for its monthly visit to your financial sector from 18th October to 20th October. Meanwhile, while this left a gap for the income side of the financial fence, as the Sun doesn't return to your income sector until 23rd October each year, this is something you should still be waiting for.

Instead, it was a month earlier that Venus, the planet of money returned to begin the first planetary activity in your income sector this year and the most lucrative months of 2024. While Venus herself is only here until 18th October, Mercury will return on 14th October with the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game and to think on your feet, the Sun will turn the solar spotlight onto your income situation, matters and options on 23rd October and the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment will return early next month but won't leave until February. Venus will not only still be here when the Moon moves through your income sector from 5th October to 7th October, but just as she is forming a friendly aspect to Saturn on the job front and is just days away from another with Mars on the career front.


While Saturn and Neptune are not only still in retrograde motion in your health sector but are slowing down ahead of Saturn's direct turn next month and Neptune's in early December, the month gets off to an empowered start and it is going to stay that way. Saturn, the planet of personal responsibility is already using hindsight to empower you, but it is starting the month at a friendly aspect to Mars in a competitively charged part of your chart that will power up his drive to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. Giving you a better read on this and on what your body is telling you will be the Moon's return to your health sector from 14th October to 16th October.

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