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Gemini horoscope for October 2024

Because the Sun will always begin October in a playful and creative part of your chart but end the month in your busy work sector, this is a month when at some point the lines will become blurred and there will be a need to find a balance between work and play. That is because while the Sun will always return and put the solar spotlight on matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic and creative on the September equinox for the coming month Venus and Mercury, who will always be close by, don't stick to quite the same strict timetable. This year, the same day the Sun returned Venus left and is already in your work sector as you move into the new month.

While Venus will leave on 18th October, Mercury's return on 14th October and the Sun's return on 23rd October will not only keep your busy work sector active all month but closely aligned with Mars in his first, last and only full month in your income sector and both planets in your career sector. Yet at the same time, while the Sun will leave a playful and creative part of your chart on 23rd October, until leaving early next month the queen of commitment will keep fighting to maintain a balance between work and play. Helping with that will be an eclipsing New Moon in a playful and creative part of your chart on 3rd October.

This will be important, for when Venus leaves on 18th October she will return to begin the first planetary activity in your relationship sector since earlier in the year. Last year Venus didn't return to your relationship sector until 30th December, so spent less than 48 hours here in 2023. This year, she not only spent the early weeks of 2024 here but is returning for a second full visit. What Venus is doing this month in terms of leading the way for the Sun and Mercury's return to your work sector, she will be doing the same ahead of their return to your relationship sector next month.

Love & Romance

Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of October in your romantic sector, the solar spotlight is always on matters of the heart and all things romantic at this time of year. However, by the time you even moved into the new month, there was a lot of history with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment having returned for her first visit in four years in early August and Venus, the planet of love having already moved through. You also have the South Node in your romantic sector for the whole of 2024, something that will turn a New Moon here on 3rd October into a total solar eclipse.

A New Moon is an opportunity for new beginnings, while an eclipse not only creates the potential for major new beginnings, but this brings the element of fate into play. The Moon will move through from 2nd October to 4th October, while the Sun and Mercury are still here and at a point when every planet that has or will return to your romantic sector this year is either here or has moved through. As the planet of communication, until he leaves on 14th October, he will be working to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page, while the Sun will keep the solar spotlight on matters of the heart until leaving on 23rd October.

Juno will stay on until early next month but will leave on 3rd November, a month to the day from the eclipsing New Moon. The Moon will move through one last time before Juno leaves and ends all planetary activity for the year from 29th October to 31st October. Meanwhile, while planetary activity on the romantic is moving into its final stage Venus, the planet of love's return to your relationship sector on 18th October will begin the first planetary activity on the relationship front since the early weeks of the year. Ahead of that, the Moon's return from 7th October to 9th October will be a valuable chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged and aware.

Business & Career

While the Sun won't return to your work sector until 23rd October, the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto your work situation, job matters and options, things are not only off to a powerful start here but across the income, work and career fronts. Until just a few weeks ago there had been no planetary activity in your work sector since late last year and while you have Saturn and Neptune in your career sector, they are in retrograde motion and in no hurry to see any movement. It was on the September equinox that things started to change, but it is in the early days of this month that this will become more apparent.

Things took a turn for the better when Mars returned to your income sector early last month, something that put him in harmony with Saturn and Neptune but with no direct contact at first. The real game changer came with Venus, the planet of money, desire and attraction's return to your work sector on the September equinox. As well as kicking off the first planetary activity on the job front this year, by this point Mars was drawing closer to a friendly aspect to Saturn in your career sector. They came together in the final hours of September and are still aligned as you move into the new month.

This is bringing together Mars' drive to fight for what you deserve when it comes to the money and Saturn's resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes professionally. Within days Venus will first move into a friendly aspect to Saturn and then just a few days later to Mars, creating a tight and powerful team that will be powering things up across the income, work and career fronts from the start. While Venus will leave your work sector on 18th October, Mercury's return on 14th October and the Sun's return on 23rd October will not only keep the momentum on the job front going but the partnership with Saturn and Neptune in your career sector and to Mars, who will spend the whole of October in your income sector.


Things have come alive on both sides of the financial fence, to a point where October could not only be one of the most decisive months of this financial year but with long term implications. With Mars in his first, last and only full month in your income sector and knowing that when he leaves early next month he will be back in the New Year and that Jupiter is returning in June 2025, the warrior planet of the cosmos will be fighting to keep the focus on the income side of the financial fence. At the same time, in his first, last and only full month back in your financial sector and knowing that when he leaves next month he won't return again in our lifetime, Pluto will be fighting to keep the focus on the other side of the financial fence.

Pluto, the planet of change, transformation and rebellion had been in your financial sector since 2008 until he began to transition out last year. Having left in January, Pluto is back for just 11 weeks and until turning direct on 12th October, this is a chance to reflect on the changes that you might want or need to make in order to take your financial power back. With the Moon moving through your financial sector from 9th October to 11th October, this will ensure your financial instincts are sharp and you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware in those crucial final days in retrograde motion and as the tide prepares to turn.

Mars on the other hand has his eyes firmly on the future and as he declares war on glass ceilings, roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined, it is with some heavy duty support. Mars will begin the month at a friendly aspect to Saturn in your career sector, bringing his drive to fight for what you deserve when it comes to the money together with Saturn's resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes professionally. A week later Mars will be connecting with Venus, who in your work sector until 18th October is working to steer work and job matters in a lucrative direction. With Mercury returning to your work sector on 14th October and the Sun on 23rd October, that support will continue. The Moon's return to your income sector from 22nd October to 24th October could act as a trigger across the income, work and career fronts.


While the Sun won't return to your health sector until 23rd October, the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto your health needs, situation and matters, you already have a head start. It was on the September equinox that Venus, the planet of beauty returned, kicking off the first planetary activity on the health front this year. Before Mercury returns on 14th October to focus on the information and knowledge gathering that can help with the when, where and how, Venus is fuelling a desire to look and feel good that can be used as motivation. With Venus not leaving until 18th October, she will be here when the Moon moves through from 5th October to 7th October, amplifying her influence and giving you a read on what your body is telling you.

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