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Dec 22 - Jan 19

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Capricorn horoscope for October 2024

On the one hand, for the faster planets and those that have a direct impact on our daily lives, this is a busy month in the heavens, the pace of life is likely to pick up and time is going to pass quickly. On the other hand, all of the slower outer planets have the brakes on, either because they are about to turn retrograde or direct or in the case of Uranus in a playful and creative part of your chart, because he is not up to speed after his retrograde turn last month. The rest are in the process of preparing to turn direct or retrograde, with the pace of daily life picking up but time appearing to stand still when it comes to the major themes of the year.

The first planet to change direction will be Jupiter, with the planet of luck and expansion needing to come to a standstill ahead of his retrograde turn in your work sector on 9th October. Strongly aligned with Mercury, in your career sector until 14th October, the Sun until 23rd October and with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment who is here all month, as the pace of the professional year itself picks up it is in partnership with the doors preparing to open to the past, second chances and untapped potential on the job front. This is something that Pluto will exploit when he returns to your income sector next month.

Until then, just over five months after retrograding back out of your income sector and back into Capricorn, Pluto has the brakes on ahead of his direct turn on 12th October. Pluto is only back in Capricorn for 11 weeks and then not to return again in our lifetime, the planet of change and transformation is offering a chance for a do over or to make sure no stone has been left unturned as a visit that began in 2008 draws to a close. The other planets slowing down are in your communication sector, though with Saturn not turning direct until next month and Neptune until early November. Here they are supporting Mars in your friendship sector and a parade of planets through your friendship sector.

Love & Romance

While Uranus, in your romantic sector since 2019 and not leaving until 2026 will always be in retrograde motion by this point in the year and having the doors open to the past and second chances on the romantic front is a given, there is rarely any planetary activity on the relationship front at this time of year. Instead, it was early last month and long after the Sun, Mercury and Venus had already moved through that Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos returned. This came just as Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn and while they won't clash until early next month, when it comes to a balance between your own and your relationship needs the planets of war and revolution are keeping each other on their toes.

There could be times when your own and your relationship needs clash, as this is such a powerful and important month for both you and your relationships this can be used to adjust what you want from your relationships and what they need from you in real time. Meanwhile, Mars will not only start the month at a friendly aspect to Saturn in your communication sector and drawing closer to another to Neptune there as the month progresses Venus, the planet of love will be doing the same. At the same time, before leaving your friendship sector on 18th October, Venus will also draw close to Mars, making this a positive month for friendship and relationship building.

In what is an important month on the romantic and relationship fronts, the Moon's monthly visit will be a valuable chance to check in. Especially important will be the Moon's return to your communication sector from 14th October to 16th October, its last before Mars leaves your relationship sector. Before returning for its last visit to your relationship sector before Mars leaves from 22nd October to 24th October, the Moon will make an important visit to your romantic sector. While an ordinary monthly visit, the Moon's return from 18th October to 20th October comes just as Venus will be returning to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart on 18th October to take your heart on a nostalgic trip down love's memory lane that will end with her return to Capricorn next month.

Business & Career

Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of October in your career sector, the solar spotlight is always on your career and professional situation, matters and options at this time of year, but with some significant differences this time. There are four significant factors and together they are making this one of the most pivotal months of this professional year and on the career front in particular, the month that everything until now has led up to and everything from now will lead on from. The first is that Venus, who last year didn't return to your career sector until October was just leaving when the Sun returned.

By the time the Sun returned Venus had not only given your heart a voice but helped to create some positive energy across the income, work and career fronts. The second factor is that in early August the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment returned for her first visit to your career sector in four years and she and Venus were both here when Pluto was still in your income sector. Pluto has since retrograded back out, but they both moved into a friendly aspect to the planet of change and transformation when they returned. The third factor is that for the first time since 2023, Jupiter is in your career sector and Venus also connected with the planet of luck and expansion as she moved through.

The fourth factor is that with the South Node in your career sector all year, this will turn the New Moon on 3rd October is a far more potent solar eclipse. The Moon is here from 2nd October to 5th October and as well creating the potential for new beginnings and opportunities, as a solar eclipse this brings the element of fate into play. With Jupiter turning retrograde on 9th October, this is a week before the doors are also set to open to the past, second chances and untapped job potential. Mercury is in your career sector until 14th October and the Sun until 23rd October, but with the asteroid Juno staying on to tie up loose ends before she too leaves early next month.


For the first and only time this year, you have no planetary activity in either of your two money houses, with only the Moon's monthly visits to your income and financial sectors. This is also a chance to catch your breath, knowing that next month both sides of the financial fence are not only going to fire up but with the planets of war and revolution at the helm. Until Pluto, the planet of change, transformation and rebellion retrograded back out of your income sector at the start of last month there had been continuous planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence since January.

Pluto is only gone for 11 weeks and when he returns on 20th November it will be to spend the next 20 years here. This chance to step back and let things settle couldn't be more important and especially with Venus, the planet of money returning just a few weeks later. While Pluto is gone, the Moon will continue to make its monthly visits, something that every four weeks can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger. However, it is the timing that makes the Moon's return from 12th October to 14th October significant.

Not only is the Moon here when Pluto turns direct and starts making his way back to your income, but while the Sun and Mercury are still in your career sector and just as Jupiter's retrograde turn in your work sector on 9th October. These will be a pivotal few days across the income, work and career fronts. Meanwhile, the Moon's return to your financial sector from 24th October to 27th October will be just as significant. As well as a chance to check in on money matters, this will be a chance to sharpen your financial instincts and ensure you are emotionally and intuitively engaged ahead of Mars, the warrior planet of the cosmos' return a week later.


With Jupiter slowing right down and needing to come to a complete stop in order to turn retrograde in your health sector on 9th October, there is a need to avoid pushing yourself. Jupiter will remain here and his quest for optimal health and to see you take your power back won't run its course until June 2025, but for the next four months there will be a chance to pause. It is while Jupiter is at a standstill, which is a week or so around his retrograde turn on 9th October there is a need to listen to your body and to avoid taking a mind over matter approach. You are going to learn a lot over the coming months by looking back, but with a chance first to pause. You will get a better read on this when the Moon moves through your health sector from 20th October to 22nd October.

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